Daylight Studio has a total surface 170 m2. It can be divided in 3 main area’s. The Cyclo Area, The Dark area & The Meeting Room. Additionally it provides 2 to 3 parking spots, a kitchen and a make-up corner.

Cyclo Area
The Cyclo area combines a white 27 m2 base corner infini with two walls standing 4 meters tall with abundant additional shooting and sitting space.
What makes this cyclorama unlike any other is the glass roof overneath, creating the best lightning for the perfect shot!

The Dark Area
The second “Dark Area” has a surface of +26 m² and stands 4,5 meters tall.
This space is ideal if you want to have total control over the lighting in your photo’s!

The Meeting Room
The third area is located in between the Cyclo Area and the Dark Area. This Meeting room hosts a big 14 person table and TV screen on top of a round 6 person table.
The perfect place to discuss and debate in between shoots or just to take a seat and enjoy the view!